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there's an underrated connection between professional sports and leisure time. Without leisure time there'd be no one to watch sports. The more leisure time a society has, the more time they have to spend watching sports and talking about sports, which creates a positive flywheel (more eyeballs --> more advertising dollars --> better product --> more jobs and larger salaries supported by the sports industrial complex--> larger share of leisure time or in some cases more leisure time like when schools in a city get the day off for the super bowl).

I think that's part of why sports are so much bigger now than they were 100 / 200 years ago pre 5-day work week, before people had as much free time.

And it makes me wonder what could sports turn into if we had even more free time, if we continued on the path from 7 to 6 to 5 to 4 or 3 work days a week.

Idk enough about kids sports leagues, but anecdotally i definitely find that adult sports leagues are an awesome way to generate endorphins, exercise, build camaraderie, and release competitive energy. And the planning / organization skills in setting up adult sports leagues are often the same skills needed for other sorts of work. Curious how that world has changed / will continue to change if the way we work changes

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